New items & templates

July 21, 2023

New items & templates
This month we're introducing a bunch of new elements and templates, including branding and device mockups. Get ready for a wave of new creative possibilities!

New digital items

Our team have worked hard on these unique 3D items. So now you can customize it in different styles, upload your own design and express your creativity in ways you never thought possible.

Explore and customize right here.

Morflax items - Explore our latest 3D branding mockups. Morflax items - Explore our latest 3D branding mockups.

New templates

Explore our new pre-made templates, upload your design and customize it, in just a few clicks.

Check out our latest templates and collections here.

Morflax studio templates - Explore our latest 3D templates. From branding and device mockups to 3D icons and illustrations.

Hope you’ll enjoy this new release.

We would love to hear your feedback! Leave it here or just let us know via:
Email , Twitter @morflax_com

Designed to make
your work faster.

A simple 3D toolset that gives you the power to make cool things in just minutes. Right in your browser.

Morflax studio - Ecosystem of 3D design tools. Build 3D device mockups, illustrations and 3D animations. Right in your browser.

For a better experience, it's suggested to use Chrome. Other browsers may restrict real-time rendering..

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